Play steps button

What is the play steps button

What is Play Steps?


When you click Play Steps a browser will begin to open to replay your automation in the order that your steps were recorded

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You’ll see the automation run

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If you see this message its because everything ran successfully and you had no errors.

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If you stop the automation by pressing the red stop button

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You’ll get this message.

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If you get any Failed at step it is because there is something wrong with that step. Please check: Have an issue running your automation? Check these three steps. If none of those solutions are working, please read the link and contact us so we can look into it.

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If you get the Already in progress. Close browser and replay error trying to play your steps, it’s because you haven’t close the chromium window properly, More information: My browser window won’t close after running an automation/ browser a

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You are free to interact with the browser while it runs your automation but the automation will continue to try running regardless of what you are doing. For example, if you are moving your mouse or in the middle of typing something, the browser will continue to perform the automation. If you would like to have an automation wait for you to do something consider using a Delay custom step

You can use this browser if you want to navigate, it wont interfere with the automation.

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