When i invite someone in the apps builder to my workspace does that also invite them to the “apps” builder? how does this work?

When i invite someone in the apps builder to my workspace does that also invite them to the “apps” builder? how does this work?

Unlocking Collaboration: How Inviting Someone to Your Workspace Affects Access to the "Apps" Builder

In the realm of workspace collaboration, the simple act of inviting someone to join your workspace holds significant implications for access and shared resources. Whether it's through a member icon on the home page or the three dots next to your workspace name, extending an invitation opens the doors to a world of possibilities.

Navigating Workspace Invitations

When you invite someone to your workspace, you're not just adding another member to the list. You're granting them access to a plethora of tools and features that define the collaborative environment. By clicking on the three dots while hovering over your workspace, you can easily manage members and control who shares your digital workspace.

Seamless Integration Across Platforms

The beauty of workspace invitations lies in their seamless integration across different platforms. From viewing automations within the desktop app to accessing the apps builder, invited members can explore and contribute to the shared workspace effortlessly. Even if you have multiple workspaces, the interconnected nature ensures that invited individuals gain access to the full spectrum of collaborative spaces.

Shared Resources, Shared Opportunities

In the world of collaborative workspaces, sharing is caring. When you extend an invitation to your workspace, you're not just sharing a space; you're sharing opportunities, resources, and ideas. The collaborative synergy created by inviting someone to your workspace fosters creativity and productivity, enabling a harmonious coexistence between members.


In conclusion, the impact of inviting someone to your workspace transcends mere access permissions. It unlocks a realm of collaboration that bridges gaps, facilitates communication, and nurtures innovation. By embracing the power of workspace invitations, you pave the way for a unified workspace experience that thrives on shared resources and collective growth.


If we were wanting to invite someone to our workspace, we can click on their member icon from the home page, or we can click the three dots next to our workspace name and click members. Or on the left here, we can click the three dots when we're hovering over our workspace and click members from here.

What this allows us to workspace Um, based on their email, this is going to allow them to see any of your automations inside of your workspace here in the desktop app. Or if we were to open the apps builder and you have extra workspaces here, which will also be in sync with the workspaces from task magic, they would have access to that same workspace here.

So this will be one to one. Although I have some extra workspaces in my account. This a workspace that I have in this, a workspace that I have would be granted to anybody invited to this workspace. Um, it's shared between apps and the desktop app when that access is granted.

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