What is the “screenshot” button in the prompt window and how’s it work and why would i need it for my automation? Whats an example of it in use?

What is the “Screenshot” Button in the Prompt Window?

Exploring the Power of the 'Screenshot' Button in Automation

In the world of automation, efficiency and precision are key. One essential feature that often goes overlooked is the 'Screenshot' button. This seemingly simple tool can actually enhance the functionality and debugging process of your automations in ways you might not have realized.

Adding a Screenshot Step

To add a screenshot step, all you need to do is click the plus icon between any steps and then select the 'screenshot' option. This action triggers a quick pop-up where you can specify the path to save the screenshot or customize the file name. While these options are optional, they offer additional functionality that can be incredibly useful for specific automation tasks.

Customization and Flexibility

One of the most powerful aspects of the screenshot step is its flexibility. Whether you want to save the screenshot to a specific client folder or ensure a consistent naming convention for future reference, the possibilities are endless. By utilizing variables in the file paths, you can tailor the screenshot step to meet your unique automation needs.

Debugging Made Easy

The screenshot step is not just about capturing visual elements; it's a valuable tool for debugging as well. Even when running automations remotely or in headless mode, the screenshot step generates the visual output as if a browser were present. This feature is particularly useful for diagnosing issues and ensuring the smooth operation of your automated tasks.


In conclusion, the 'Screenshot' button is more than just a snapshot tool—it's a versatile asset that can significantly enhance the efficiency and reliability of your automations. Whether you're looking to streamline your processes, improve debugging capabilities, or simply add a layer of customization, incorporating the screenshot step into your workflow is a decision you won't regret.

By leveraging this functionality, you can take your automation projects to the next level and achieve even greater success in your endeavors.


To add a screenshot step, we can click the plus icon between any steps and then select screenshot. I already have this in my automation, so I'm not going to click that again. Um, but after clicking that, we're going to see a quick pop up that's allowing us to enter a path to save this to, or to overwrite the file name.

Both of these are optional and may not be needed for your specific automation. It's just additional functionality that may be useful. Um, if for whatever reason you wanted to make sure that we always put this in a specific client folder, maybe, um, always named it a certain way for a different automation to find it later.

Things like that, since these file paths can also accept variables, you can get very custom with what you want to do here. The screenshot step is whether or not it's part of your flow. It can be very useful for debugging automations as well. Um, when the things are running from cloud or things are running, uh, headless without a browser, because the screenshot step will still generate everything normally, um, even though there's no browser visible.

So again, the screenshot step is very useful for your automations functionality. for debugging it. And it also has the extra options here if you needed to customize where you'd want to save that specific screenshot. Otherwise, this is going to go directly into your downloads folder on your computer.

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