There is how do I automate something and then there is how do I automate it in TASKMAGIC. Whats the difference?

There is how do I automate something and then there is how do I automate it in TASKMAGIC. Whats the difference?

What's the Difference: Automating Tasks in TaskMagic

Introduction: Hey everyone! Jeremy Redman here. Today, let's delve into the world of automation and explore the differences between automating tasks in general and automating tasks specifically within TaskMagic.

Understanding the Basics of Automation: When it comes to automation, the first step is identifying the manual task you want to automate. Knowing what you want to achieve through automation is essential before diving into the process.

Automating Tasks in a Regular Browser: To begin with, start by performing the manual task in a regular Chrome browser. Whether it's updating text on a website or transferring data between platforms, understanding the manual process is key.

Transitioning to TaskMagic: Once you've mastered the manual task, it's time to transition to TaskMagic. TaskMagic offers a platform for automating tasks efficiently. Instead of guided templates, TaskMagic provides a customizable approach tailored to your specific automation needs.

Exploring Web-Based Automation: When automating web-based tasks in TaskMagic, consider the difference between using apps, desktop features, and the web interface. TaskMagic's flexibility allows you to streamline tasks specific to web interactions.

Adding Complexity with Variables: As you progress in your automation journey, incorporating variables can enhance the efficiency of your tasks. Variables enable tasks to adapt based on changing parameters, offering a dynamic approach to automation.

Enhancing Efficiency with Automation: Automation isn't just about simplifying repetitive tasks; it's about optimizing efficiency. By breaking down tasks into manageable steps and leveraging TaskMagic's capabilities, you can create powerful automation sequences.

Conclusion: In conclusion, mastering the art of automation in TaskMagic involves understanding the nuances of your tasks, utilizing the right tools within the platform, and continuously refining your automation processes for maximum efficiency.



Step 1- Click on New automation—Click on Web for recording

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Step 2- Click on Open Apps builder

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Step 3-Click on the Icon and grab the cookies

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Step 4- Click on click here to paste cookies

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Step 5- Select the— Click on Start recording

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Step 6- Prompt window opens in right and Browser window opens in right

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Step 7- Click on Click to record a click step

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Step 8- Click on any elements of browser window and then Click on type to record a type step

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Step 9-Type in URL column and Click on Save go to URL

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Step 10- Just type jeremy Redman and Click on Confirm to record this type step

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Step 11- If we want to change the typing element every time just click on Yes

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Step 12- Click on Keypress —Select the element—Click on Confirm

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Hey, everybody. Hey, everybody. Jeremy Redman here. Um, I got this really good question. I'm just keep answering questions, which is really great from the community. So, um, this came from an early person who, and this is gonna be great for our course. And that's why we're covering it, which is one thing that I get asked quite often is how do I automate something?

Right? Like, how do I automate this? And there's a difference between how do I automate this and how do I automate this inside TaskMagic. Um, and I think that's what this question is, is there is, I, I rephrased it, there is how do I automate something and then there is how do I automate in TaskMagic and what's the difference.

So, if I can illustrate this, it all begins with whether or not you know what you want to automate. Okay. So figure out what manual task you want to automate first. These are, this video is for the people and we have a video on that as well, but this video is for the people who know what they want to automate.

And I will go over the differences of how you do that automation, right? Like how you do it. Right. So we get people who come to us and say, I know I want to automate this ticket provider to my website. Whatever, right? Moving this data here to here. How do I do it? Okay, I normally tell them to start in your regular chrome browser.

Okay, so starting your regular chrome browser and then you would go to whatever platform that you wanted to go to. Okay, so you go to like this is our one question piece like this is our use cases. This is our website builder, right? If I wanted to automate the changing of this text every time, right? And this banner here at the top, how would I go about doing that?

How would I automate this in task magic? First say, and ask yourself, how would I automate this? How would I do this manual task? I want to automate first. That's step one. How do I open a regular Chrome browser and go, how do I do this? Okay? Regularly. How would I do this manual task that I want to automate one time?

Okay? Then you start throwing in things like variables. I want this to change every time. Or filters. I want this to do this thing based on what this line of text says. That's step four, five, six. Okay? First off, you have to think, how do I do this manual task, this manual web task, Okay, in a regular browser.

So I open up regular Chrome. This is regular Chrome. And let's say my automation is every time something happens, I want to go and change this text up here. Okay, now I just go to the browser. I log into Webflow, right? And then I go get access to our free community. And I want this to say, or every other week, right?

So great, or so it's one or the other. I just did that manual typing task. Okay, now that's manual. I have to log into Webflow after go to this page. I have to do and I have to click in there and edit that text. Okay, now I've just did this in this. I also recommend that task take no more than 60 seconds if you can explain it, because if it takes longer than 60 seconds, it's most likely it.

multiple tasks. Um, it's not that hard to explain it, explain a task within 60 seconds. If not, you're probably a bunch more steps, maybe dozens of steps, uh, recorded, and it probably needs to be broken down into two, three, four tasks, um, or automations. So I just did that. That's challenge one or step one is do that manual task that you want to automate in the browser.

Just do it and record yourself on a loom video or a video or some kind. It's simple, no explanation, just do the thing. Okay. That's step one. Now there's now doing it in task magic. Okay. So you just did it how you would normally do it in a normal Chrome browser. Now it's how does that work inside of task magic?

So it wouldn't be guided templates because those are prebuilt templates that show you specific things. So this is, it's loading guides. So it's like, start here for new people, right? How to handle pop ups. It walks you through how to do specific things. So if you want to start a new automation, it's not guided templates.

Okay. So if it's a web based task, it's not going to be apps. And it's not going to be desktop, which is in beta right now. Um, it's going to be web. Okay, so you think through that. This was something I did on the web. Okay, it's a web task. All right, this isn't a guided template, right? Because it's my task.

It's, I don't know how they know. And then it could be in apps. That could be a possibility. And what you can do is go inside apps and see if like a Webflow app exists. Okay, so for instance, and what I mean by that is if your task is in Webflow and I want to change this text, I go to, I can go to taskmagic.

com. I can go to apps. Okay, so I can do Webflow. Okay, so we do have a Webflow app. All right, but update Webflow order. New Webflow form submission, new, okay, and then actions, update, update user, okay, refund order, create live Webflow collection, update, okay, so there's not an action or a trigger in this Webflow app, um, that is change text.

On the page. Okay, so I can't use apps. Um, you can also just go in here, open the apps builder and then check it that way as well. So, um, because we try to update the website, but you can go in here inside the desktop app, go to open apps builder. Um, you can also do that in the web app. at make. taskmagic. com.

This is a web based task. Okay. Now tips for handling login. I'm not going to run through this exactly on how to do it. Cause this is like a baseline, but you would say, yes, I am. Okay. So this, you have to add the cookies to that web flow site. Okay. So I mean, maybe I will do it. So if you go here and you go to Webflow and then you have this cookies icon, right?

You grab it. Cookies copied to clipboard. Okay. Click there. Go back. Okay. So click here to paste cookies, right? Boom. Whatever it is. Okay, so then you start recording and the prompt window is on the left and the browser window is on the right. So, and what I mean by that is, let's see, so here you have all of this stuff done with inside on the left.

Okay, so this can take up to 90 seconds in cases that websites have a lot of media or iframes. I don't know necessarily if this is going to load. This is going to be pretty incredible if this does load. Oh my God, it did. That's pretty incredible. So now we just need a little time here on for the, Oh my God, this was pretty good.

This just loaded the builder and cookies and everything. This is pretty good. And it's actively in edit mode. This is incredible. Just FYI. Okay. All right. So it goes here and now you have what you want to do. You want to click type, whatever. So this is the prompt window on the left. Okay. And the browser window on the right.

Kind of like how we normally set it up. Now, how do I automate that thing that I just manually did in the regular Chrome browser in the Task Magic web app or the Task Magic desktop app? And that is, keep in mind, and this is very, very, very important, When you're using the task magic app, the only difference from doing it from a regular Chrome browser and inside our chromium browser on this screen right here is you have to tell us you're going to do something, do that thing in the browser and then confirm that you did that thing in the browser.

Okay, and here's what I mean by that. So you're going to click. Okay, so you're gonna tell us you you want to click. Okay, so it's just telling us in advance. Then you come here and then you click, right? Whatever. So you make a click, click on the element.

Boom. Okay, boom. I just clicked. Okay. So once this is done, you just again say, Hey, I'll just cancel this right now. Once this is done, you actually go in there. You tell us you click and then you click. I didn't click confirm, but then you would just click confirm, right? And then move on to the next thing you want to type.

So then you do that again. So you just go. I want to and let me I'll show you an easier example here. So new automation web. Okay. I'll just put not on this one. I showed you how to do cookies before. So what I mean by this again, it's telling us you're going to do something. So thinking before, that's why I said, do the exercise that is record yourself doing it in a regular Chrome browser, that manual task once.

Okay. Again, here's our start screen to start typing the URL in the prompt window on the left. Here's the prompt window. Okay. So again, that's great here. Okay, cool. So Google dot com. Great. There's Google. Okay. So again, that's always the first step is go to the page you want to go to. Now again, tell us what you want to do.

Do you want to click something? Type something? Do you want to scrape something from the site or grab the text or data on this site? No, I want to, I want to, you know, In this field box here. Okay, so I go and I type see how it says confirm there. So I just go Jeremy Redmond. Okay, great. So I just typed it.

Now I'm going to confirm this will not be a variable. Okay, so again, this is the basics. You tell us what you want to do. So you tell us you want to type you go type. In the browser window, and then you confirm, okay, that step once you're done typing what you want to type now, that is essentially creating a step, right?

So the next thing after you're done with that, like going through, Hey, I want to click on this. I want to edit this text. That's one automation, right? Every time and then you can schedule it every time this happens. You go through, you click, you edit. Okay, trying to keep this as simple as possible. Now, you can add stuff like variables.

Okay, I want this text to change every time every Friday. I want to Google Jeremy Redman and look up the news articles, right? And then I want to go and look up Kyle Redman, right? And our Matt Redman in the and check the news articles. So you would want this to change every hour. Okay, so you would want to make this a variable.

Okay, and you would probably set up a Google sheet to pull in variables. Again, this is one step advanced step 456. Okay, and then we'll just put no right now. Okay, so then I'm like, Okay, so what do you want to do now? I want to let's do key press. Okay, because I want to make sure that I press enter. Amazing.

There we go. And it goes. Okay. So then you can just confirm your step done. And then it searched. Okay. So setting up an easy thing. It's just normally in a regular Chrome browser, you just do the thing. Okay, you just click in that box, edit that text, right, you're done. Okay, then you would schedule that thing to do it now.

Use trying to automate that manual repetitive task in task magic. The only difference is you come in here, you tell us you're going to click first. You click in the box, then you confirm it. Okay, you go back and then you press type. So you tell us you're going to type, you go type in the window and then you confirm that you've done, you're done typing, confirm.

And that will be two steps. Hopefully that makes sense. Um, let me know in the comments below if that doesn't and I'll help to re explain. Uh, thank you so much. I tried to make this as easy as humanly possible. Um, just like using it with myself. So that is how to set up, um, automations, uh, and how to automate something that you know what you want to automate.

You just don't know how to do it inside task magic.

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