Is TaskMagic Right for My Business??

Is TaskMagic Right for My Business??

Unleashing Automation Potential with Task Magic: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

In today's fast-paced business world, efficiency and productivity are key factors in staying ahead of the competition. One powerful tool that has been revolutionizing the way businesses operate is Task Magic. Founded by Jeremy Redmond, Task Magic offers a comprehensive solution for automating manual and repetitive tasks in businesses of all sizes. In this blog post, we will delve into how Task Magic can benefit your business and unleash its automation potential.

Exploring Task Magic Features: Task Magic is designed as a versatile tool to address any manual or repetitive task within your business operations. Jeremy Redmond emphasizes the importance of automation and the diverse ways in which Task Magic can streamline processes. The tool offers various automation methods, including guided templates, pre-built templates, web apps, and desktop automations.

Guided Templates: One of the standout features of Task Magic is its guided templates that allow businesses to automate tasks quickly and efficiently. Whether it's scraping data from websites, content generation, or LinkedIn outreach, Task Magic provides custom templates to streamline these processes.

Web Apps and Desktop Automation: Task Magic extends its automation capabilities to web apps and desktop operations. By automating tasks that are manual and time-consuming on the web, businesses can save valuable resources and optimize their workflow. From responding to Yelp reviews to managing leads, Task Magic offers a seamless solution for businesses seeking efficiency.

Empowering Business Automation: Task Magic encourages businesses to adopt an automation mindset by identifying repetitive tasks that can be streamlined. By experimenting with the tool and exploring its use cases, businesses can unlock new possibilities for automation. Whether it's interpreting PDFs, automating content creation, or engaging with social media platforms, Task Magic offers a versatile platform for businesses to enhance their operations.

Community Support and Resources: In addition to its robust automation features, Task Magic provides a supportive community and free resources for businesses to leverage. From video tutorials on automating Facebook groups to creating AI agents, Task Magic equips businesses with the knowledge and tools to succeed in their automation journey.

Conclusion: As businesses strive for increased efficiency and productivity, Task Magic emerges as a valuable ally in the automation landscape. By harnessing the power of automation through Task Magic's innovative features and resources, businesses can streamline their operations, reduce manual tasks, and focus on growth. Embrace the automation mindset with Task Magic and pave the way for a more efficient and productive business environment.



Step 1- We can automate in four different ways for business purpose first one is Guided Templates

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Step 2- We get many guided Templates under Guided templates

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Step 3- We also can automate through Web, Apps and Desktop

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Step 4- We also have a free course and use Cases here to guide you about the use of Task Magic

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Step 5- We have course like Automate Chat GPT and Gemini

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Step 6- How to Automate Facebook groups even through Facebook deleted their APIs and many more

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Step 7- Life time plans are available

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Hey, everybody. Hey, everybody. Jeremy Redmond here, founder of Task Magic. You can't see it when I move it over. Anyway, so I want to attempt to get this question right, because I'm gonna, this is going to be the, I think the first hitter, the first hitter in the, uh, course. So it might be in there somewhere.

So unit one, anyway. So I get this question asked generally, vaguely a lot, and it's the hardest to answer. It's like the interview question that's like, tell me about yourself. Okay, where do I start? You know, um, and it's, is task magic right for my business. Okay. So I firmly believe, um, I built this and we built this, um, as like a tool to address any manual slash manually manual and repetitive task in your business.

Okay. Now we can automate here. I'll share my screen. We can automate here. This is, we automate in four ways. Okay, um, we can automate using like our guided templates so we can build you a template Okay We do have a cost that comes along with that If you don't know that like we have a human come in and consult, right?

And then you can do one automation for 500 bucks. But anyway Um, or use some of our pre guided or our pre um Prebuilt templates here. So as you see, we have start here. We have getting started scraping a bunch of sites, um, content generation, LinkedIn outreach, whatever. So, um, there's that, okay. Now we have web apps and desktop.

Okay, so if in your business you do something manual on the web Okay, so there are manual one time tasks which are like I need to get this data from this site and it's 18 000 entries that's going to take someone three weeks Okay, and you have those tasks. Let's call it once a quarter Right. Or similar tasks that are one time tasks, but you know, they're going to take hours, days, or weeks.

And it's somewhat repetitive. Like I need to scrape this profile and that profile, these eight, eight, 18, 000 profiles on this site. So that's a use case. Alright, so if at all you need to get leads for your business or get, you know, usernames for whatever to grow your social, um, handles or your business, or you need to respond to reviews on Yelp, um, every time one comes in, that's a good one.

Um, and then, so I don't want to get specific here, uh, but we have, you can, if you use Desktop automations. You can record desktop automation. So this is, uh, right now in beta. Um, so it's a little more difficult to use. Um, but we have steps to show you, uh, you can do apps based, which if you're familiar, it's like Zapier and make, um, make what used to be IntegraMAT.

Um, and then the best, easiest way for someone to think like, Hey, is this useful for my business? It's okay. Think first, do I go to the web? Right. And do I do a task on a somewhat repetitive basis, right? Every time someone comes in and fills out this form, I need to take this form data and put it to my CRM in this most basic form.

Okay. We had someone come in and say, every time I sell a ticket on this ticketing platform, I need to add them to my email subscribers, my email list, and send them a welcome email. What was it? Set them up and like text me, so text me their phone number so I can call them immediately. And I'm like, that's cool, right?

So there was something repetitive there. Now that is the one thing that you can, the one litmus test you can give yourself that is this helpful to your business. That's very, very obvious is do I do anything on the web that is repetitive? Okay, is there a lengthy, repetitive, manual task I need to do?

Manual as in, I need to go to the internet, right? I need to check these books in QuickBooks every month. I need to do this, this, this, this, and this. I need to send this invoice. Based on someone giving me a call and it registering in our CRM. If you think just go about your day, your week, your month and write down things.

So what happened is, uh, there was a great, there was a great example. Um, and I'll show you here. So in one of our, one of our pieces here. So we have a bunch of tasks that we have to do for people. But. So I got this one question. Can I automate this? When we release a beer on Untappd, it's a hive mind where the first reviews set the tone for the overall rating, okay?

Most breweries make a bunch of fake accounts that give it five stars. Can we make it so a new beer will get a bunch of our accounts to automatically log in and rate it five stars? It's like I came to this person and this person originally said. I don't have anything I can automate, right? But going through there, this isn't probably something they do once a day, once a week, or maybe even once a month.

It's probably something they do quarterly or every four or five, just every time they release a new beer. Okay. In this very, very specific case. So you just have to act with an automation mindset. I call it, which is if you don't know right now, I can almost guarantee you that we can find, you can find something in your business to automate something, something, right?

And if you think you can automate it or it could be automated, I guarantee, I almost guarantee you we can automate it. Guaranteed almost guaranteed. All right, I'm gonna throw that almost in there again We also will help you for an added fee. You can do it yourself. Um, But we also have um a free course as well here So we're launching this free community and a free course to see that it's helping and you're probably in here watching it right now Um, but so welcome And this is it's just so funny that we have all of these things that we're doing and we're essentially Helping people.

Oh, another thing I want to show you here is we have this thing here where,

so sharing, all right, where you go to task magic and we have a bunch of use cases and we tend to throw these up. Okay. So someone came to us another, another thing, right? They were wondering if this could be done. Right. And I'm telling you, every time someone has come to me and said, can this be done? The answer is almost always.

Yes. Okay. If not, it is 85 percent automatable, right? 80 percent 50. If you had a four hour task and you could cut it by an hour and a half, wouldn't, why wouldn't you do that? So a portion of it could also be automated. I almost guarantee it right now. It's up to your creativity. It's up to us helping you, right?

And if we just help you intense, it's up to the community to help, right there. Look at we, these are all videos, automating Facebook groups. Chrome extensions, Facebook, creating your own AI agent, um, automating content, Google search results. We had someone that every time they get a review in Yelp, they want to, um, respond to that review, right?

So we set up a trigger that alerted them when they got a new review, and it automatically Uh, sent them a response based on running it through, um, chat GPT. So it was like, and it was all contextual. So some things you don't think about as repetitive, right? You just get in that like, man, I did this four times today.

Or I did this three times. Say you do something just once a quarter, but that once a quarter, like scraping a website or something, or sending out cold emails to your leads, or even things you think about to grow your business as in. Okay. I get most of my sales through Instagram. Okay, we'll start engaging more with Instagram contextually.

Great. So you can, every time peeps, this username creates a post, you can take that post title, run it through chat, GBT, grab the contextual response and send it back. No one's the wiser, right? And you can do that 40 messages an hour, you know, 10, 100 messages a day, whatever it is. And grow your social, grow your YouTube, grow your sales pipeline, right?

Engage with reviews. It is really just comes down to experimenting and being creative with the tool. If you don't want to spend your time doing that, and it's worth more to give us more money. Great. We have plans for that. We actually have a limited plan for five grand, right? That builds your entire system for you.

We'll go in and figure it out. Yeah. Okay. I mean, you can even start here, right here or here. Okay. This is just the five grand. We'll do it all for you. Okay. So you get every other feature with the platform. Everything is in there for you to do it and access to the community and this course, right? Um, you have to think about it.

Oh man, if I did something on the web or did something on my mobile phone, like, can that be automated? Can it, could I automate this? Right? So you just start experimenting. One thing is, is you want it to be some, either a long task that's like repetitive inside, like scraping profiles from LinkedIn. You're only going to do that once.

Right. Once you do it once you have to wait long enough for more profiles to appear. Right. So you want you to do it like once every quarter or every six months, but doing that task would take you two weeks, three weeks, right? It would take a VA 10 bucks an hour, two weeks. Right. So you're like, it just, it, that pays for you with this couple VAs training them your time.

Right. But definitely this. So you start thinking about it front. So check out the use cases, check out the community, see what people just get in the, the mic, like use the tool. Like this is, this is a forever cost. Okay. Get that and just experiment with things. I can almost guarantee it 500 bucks. If it's not today, right?

um It's going to be tomorrow or the next day or the next day or the next day or that Or six months from now or 12 months from now it will but you get in put some skin in the game And start thinking with an automation mindset that I think is so so so valuable and so important. Um, again, that's one thing that's like really great like, uh, we have this other thing where we can actually take PDFs.

Okay. Take PDFs and interpret them. Take PDFs. So in our automator, you can take a screenshot of something, create a PDF of it, and then read that PDF. That is someone's job to read something and then interpret it and make a decision based on it. That can be automated, right? It can take a screenshot of a balance sheet.

And go, how can this balance sheet be? What is assets? Instead of telling, hiring someone to tell you what it is, you can just do that. And then it alerts you. It can't, these are just things that are coming off the top of my head. Right? So check out some of the use cases, act with this mindset, you know, that, uh, that I'm talking about.

Um, and I think that's kind of how. I guess kind of how it works, right? Um, in like doing and making sure that you can work with like an automated mindset, like an, an automation mindset, um, is so important again, that person that I approached was like, it was like six, seven months and then they go, can I do this?

And it's like, yeah, you can, that is a very unique one. You would only know had you released it and gone through that pain. So try it. Um, so again, you want to spend your time automating something once, right? There might be some front loaded effort or pay us to do the effort. There's some front loading effort, but you won't have to do that again.

So. That's it. Does your business have any manual tasks you do on the web? Right? See if it can be automated and see if it's somewhat repetitive or a lengthy task. I think given every facet of business like real estate, e commerce, like every time a new sale comes in, actually send the shirt, go print it, take this from Canva, go here.

Automated. It's an every time repetitive thing. You just have to think what can I do? I look forward to helping you in your business journey. Let me know any comments or any little ideas here and here and I'll try to, I'll try to respond to what I can. Looking forward to it.

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