Recording Bar

Things to know while recording your automation

What can we do while recording our automation.


After clicking capture steps to start building your automation, the last thing to open will be your recording bar. Here is a video tutorial on how we can record our first automation and what it can do wit the record bar (record bar part of the video starts at 4:25, click play and it’ll start there. ):


Documentation on what our bar does.

Recording Bar

Scrape a list of data like a lot of usernames (”List”) and a single piece of data like a single name. (”Text”). Scraped data will be a list of the items you’ve scraped so far and how many columns. Edit/delete steps (more in second image). Finish automation.

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Press the green arrow all the way to the right to see more information of the automation you’ve recorded. If you press the 3 dots on a step, you’ll open the menu, you’ll see the Edit the step, Encrypt text, update selectors and much more. More infomration on all the step options click on How to edit/delete/update/modify a step.

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What’s Scrape?

scrape text:

Scrape text is best used in combination with a filter or to replicate Copy/Paste. If you have a scrape step (lets say its Step 2) then you can use @Step 2 as a variable in another typing step (or filter) to paste/pass dynamic data.

scrape list:

When using scrape list you should click two items in a row that you are wanting to scrape. For example, if you want to scrape a list of usernames from a twitch page then you would want to click two usernames in a row.


When you click these it will take you to a new URL for that person but with TaskMagic you can scrape all of those links so that you can navigate directly there in another automation. In the below screenshot we scraped students from schools on LinkedIn - the first column is a link to their profile so that in our LinkedIn AutoConnect + message template automation we can navigate directly to this profile.

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