Out of data? Here is what to do

If your google sheet shows out of data then its time to add some new rows or reset your starting row

If you’re seeing an out of data alert

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Then we need to reset the row your google sheet is on, upload new data, or correct the right sheet.

Here are the best next steps

  1. Check your starting row
    1. Click Manage Loop trigger
      1. Notion image
    2. Manage Loop settings
    3. Edit your next row to run. The loop through data trigger will increment by the “rows at a time” question each time it runs thus increasing your next row to run. So, if you start it at ‘2’ then hit play steps with the loop amount set to 10, the next row to run will be 12
    4. Notion image
  1. Check that there is data in your google sheet at the same row shown in the above screenshot. If there is no data, then the automation will not run. If you do not need google sheet data for your automation, then click remove from the Manage Google Sheets option
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