Find by Text

Using Find by Text to complete your automation

Using Find by Text to find the correct element


Your automations generally rely on selectors for the bot to find the correct elements. Sometimes websites will randomize key parts of the selector making it hard to determine where the correct element is. Using Find by Text, the bot will do a case sensitive search to find an element including a match. Then, it will click the first element with the matching text.

If a website has multiple matches be cautious of which it will identify first. Try to find as unique of text as possible to ensure the best accuracy

How to setup


To setup Find by Text for any Click, Keypress, or Type step click the 3 dots next to the step you wish to edit, then click advanced settings

Notion image

Enter your search term


Toggle on “Find by Text” then Enter any text (or variable(s)) for the bot to use to correctly identify the element to click

Notion image



Your automation will now highlight any steps it found with Find by Text in yellow

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