What is the second “scroll down” button in the prompt window and how’s it work and why would i need it for my automation? Is it different from the one above?
What is the Second “Scroll Down” Button in the Prompt Window?
Unveiling the Power of the Scroll Down Step in Data Scraping Automation
Introduction: In the realm of automation tasks, one key element often overlooked but incredibly powerful is the scroll down step. This seemingly simple action plays a crucial role in data scraping automation, particularly when dealing with websites that load information dynamically, such as realtor.com.
The Value of Scroll Down Step in Data Scraping Automation: When navigating a website like realtor.com, it becomes evident that scrolling down the page triggers the loading of additional results and unveils the presence of a "next page" button. However, a hasty scroll might reveal that some information is still in the process of loading. This is where the scroll down step comes into play. By recording a scroll down step, one ensures that Task Magic fully loads the page before proceeding to scrape the desired data.
Recording a Scroll Down Step: To record a scroll down step effectively, users can utilize Task Magic by clicking the plus icon and adding the scroll down step. This simple action guarantees that all information on the page is displayed, enabling a comprehensive data scraping process. Depending on the website and the specific automation task at hand, knowing when to add a scroll down step directly or record it through testing is essential for optimal results.
Different Scenarios for Using the Scroll Down Step: In certain instances, adding a scroll down step directly from the Task Magic window suffices. However, in situations where precise scrolling is necessary, such as within a specific part of the page or a pop-up, recording the scroll down step becomes crucial. This distinction ensures that Task Magic knows exactly where to scroll to capture the desired information accurately.
Tips for Effective Scroll Down Step Recording: When recording a scroll down step, it's imperative to select the correct spot on the page to ensure the automation process is seamless. By clicking into the page and scrolling to capture the exact location, users can avoid scrolling issues and focus on specific areas of interest, such as pop-ups or segmented content like Instagram followers.
Conclusion: The scroll down step may seem like a minor detail in the world of data scraping automation, but its impact is undeniable. By incorporating this simple yet effective action into automation tasks, users can ensure that all information is loaded correctly, leading to successful data scraping and optimized workflow efficiency.
Step 1- To record scroll down step, Click on + green Icon

Step 2- Click on Scroll down Icon

Step 3- To record a scroll down step in guided window click on Record

Step 4 - Click on + Green Icon

Step 5- Click on Scroll down button

Step 6- Click on Page and scroll down the page then click on Confirm to record in the automation

The scroll down step is very useful for scraping automations. Something like that is if we were looking at realtor. com, we'll notice that if I scroll down the page, more results are going to be loaded as well as the next page button. So if I scroll here, you'll see that if I scroll a little fast, Some of these things haven't loaded yet.
Some of this information is still loading. Uh, those were ads particularly, but there's still some results that hadn't loaded, um, before as well. We would want to record a scroll down step to scroll down all the way. To be able to click the buttons, see all of the information, um, and to do that, we would click the plus icon and then add a scroll down step.
This makes sure that Task Magic completely loads the page before we scrape all of that data. Now, there's some times when you can add a scroll down step. Just from the normal, uh, task magic window here. And other times when you're going to need to record a scroll down step. And the way you'll know that is by testing out the automation with seeing it run or clicking the play icon in the guided window.
And what happens there is there's sometimes a situation on a website where we want to scroll on a specific part of the page, or maybe in a pop up, for example, that's when we want to make sure we record that scroll down steps so that task magic knows where to scroll. If we add it just from this page here and we click plus and scroll down, then that's going to automatically scroll down the entire page, which works in a lot of situations, just not all.
Again, to record that scroll down step, we can enter the guided window by clicking plus and then record. And then on the left over here, we will see all of our previous steps. Which we'll see in a second, we can click the plus icon like we did before, and then we can select scroll down what this is going to allow us to do is it's going to highlight a blue border on the page on where we are going to be scrolling.
So I'll first click into the page and then I'll scroll to make sure it's capturing the correct spot to scroll in again. This is more obvious when you're using a pop up or something that's, uh, I'm Actually where you need to do that scroll on a specific part of the page. Um, a very common spot for this is going to be like the Instagram followers or things like that.
When we want to make sure we scroll in the pop up and not behind it on the entire page here.