What do you mean when you say TaskMagic is boiling the ocean? Is that about handling edge cases when using TaskMagic or any other browser automation tool?
What do you mean when you say TaskMagic is boiling the ocean? Is that about handling edge cases when using TaskMagic or any other browser automation tool?
Boiling the Ocean at TaskMagic - A Rollercoaster of Challenges and Rewards
Welcome to a behind-the-scenes look at the journey of TaskMagic, where we're not just cooking, we're boiling the ocean! Join me, Jeremy Redman, the founder of TaskMagic, along with Kyle, as we delve into the incredible challenges and rewards of our startup journey.
Embracing the Insanity
TaskMagic isn't just another startup; we're on a mission to automate the Internet for everyone. In our quest to push boundaries and automate processes ranging from simple two-step flows to mind-boggling 167-step automations, we've encountered a myriad of edge cases and challenges that keep us on our toes.
Unveiling the Edge Cases
One of the most intriguing aspects of our journey has been uncovering the diverse edge cases that users encounter. From automations not running past the first step to disappearing loop steps and memory limits being pushed to the extreme, each challenge presents an opportunity for growth and learning.
Community Support and Engagement
At TaskMagic, we thrive on community support and engagement. We're gearing up to launch a community where users can interact, share insights, and help each other navigate through the intricacies of our tool. Our goal is not just to provide a product but to cultivate a vibrant community of users supporting each other.
Overcoming Growth Pains
As we navigate through growth pains and unforeseen obstacles like database language support limitations, we're committed to addressing every issue that comes our way. Your feedback, whether it's a bug report or a feature request, fuels our drive to constantly improve and innovate.
The Road Ahead
TaskMagic is not just about solving problems; it's about creating a platform that empowers users to unleash their creativity and achieve their automation dreams. With exciting updates on the horizon and a deep commitment to our user community, we're ready to tackle any challenge that comes our way.
Join the TaskMagic Journey
As we continue to boil the ocean and redefine the boundaries of automation, we invite you to be a part of the TaskMagic journey. Your feedback, suggestions, and even constructive criticism fuel our passion and drive to deliver a top-notch automation platform for all.
In conclusion, TaskMagic is not just a tool; it's a mindset, a community, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. We're here to listen, learn, and grow alongside our users, so don't hesitate to reach out, share your thoughts, and let us know how we can make TaskMagic even better. Together, we'll continue boiling the ocean and creating magic in the world of automation.
Step 1- Many videos are available to guide on automation

Step 2- Click on Public View

Step 3- Click on App requests

Hey, everybody, Jeremy Redman here, the founder of TaskTagic with Kyle. Hey, say hello, Kyle. How's it going? Kyle on the phone here. OK, so we're made. I I'm literally out of breath. I ran up to the office because I don't live too far away. And we did this because we got hit up on YouTube here. I'll share my screen on YouTube and from Sam or I think it's Sam.
See you, Lou. It's on here. Oh, it's been kind of quiet lately and I wrote back. We're cooking Okay and what we mean what we mean by that is I guess I should have said we're boiling because we're Boiling the ocean we've discovered Kyle and I isn't that correct Kyle? Okay, and Kyle didn't want to make this video by the way, he was like He did everything he possibly could to not do it.
But I said, just give me seven minutes. So, OK, anyway, what do we mean by boiling the ocean? We mean, I guess a big part of the startup advice is don't boil the ocean, meaning it takes a he man, he woman, insane, crazy effort to boil the ocean, right? Because you can't boil the ocean. It's easier to boil a pot of water, right, than it is to boil the ocean.
And that's what I feel like we're kind of doing here. is we're trying to automate the Internet. I'm sweating right now. We're trying to automate the Internet for everyone. And what we're running into are tons of edge cases that aren't really core. Some of the issues are core, right? And we need to hear about them and we need to fix them.
One of them. So, for instance, is so we had this comment on YouTube today. today. Task Magic had an update after installing and relaunched. All my automations cannot run past the first step. Kyle, what was that? I want to say it was an issue if the first step in their automation was a variable and it wasn't from save webhook data.
Do you see what kind of, like, edge case that is? Right? Like, as far as we can tell, so we were looking into that and we haven't had a lot of people and we couldn't really recreate it simply, right? Right. It happened on a handful of them, which is what that situation looked to be. Yeah. So, number two, uh, so, things about, like, they think about this as a bug and I'm not picking on this person, this is great, we need to know this stuff.
So, like, Uh, when I trigger the web, trigger by webhook, manage loop steps disappear. That is simply because you changed the trigger to from looping or list. To webhook. So those steps are going to disappear. So I wrote back. So just like, get back with me. Um, but these are certain and then, uh, I appreciate the tutorial videos, but it's really hard to find Q and a, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
We will come out with the community. Um, we're so like, everyone can help everyone else, not just on YouTube, but all our videos are here and because it's been so long, um, like we're getting so many of these edge cases. Right? Like it doesn't work on this site. Kyle, on the top of your mind, can you think of another edge case that you were given, you gave me?
A Ryota today with 167 steps in his automation, which exceeded the memory limit that I've never hit.
167 step automation? Yeah, I, I genuinely, I, that's not, that can't be right. I've tried after 50. Really. I don't think I've built that big one. No way. So, okay. So that's another thing. Everyone is, we're a lot, that's the thing, right? We're allowing everybody to build anything they want, which is really cool.
And we're trying, we're, we want you to push the boundaries, push the limits and push us. But we ask for that scoach of understanding, right? That like, this is difficult while we're actually building certain things. And like, like, uh, fixing certain bugs, like we have crushed, um, we've crushed so many bugs, right?
Like on Upvote, Upvote support tickets are all caught up. Is that true? I think I need to give some people responses tomorrow, but they should all be caught up within 48 hours. Yeah. That should be the case. Yeah. Okay. Again, we need to hear things like this and we need to have like little videos because we need to churn through this.
We don't want to hear from you three months from now or five months from now or whatever. Like we just added managing Chrome profiles, right? Because like, like, uh, like Artilla we'll be able to do a certain thing that we can't do because they're a very technical tool. Some people use. Our tool, like, like they can use our Tila, but like our Tila, because we have such a technical audience and a non technical audience.
So you want to build the front end non technical, but you don't want to bury a bunch of features and settings because then you can't find them or you don't know they exist. So we're also trying to bridge, automating the internet, automating someone's six step flow, two step flow, and automating someone's 167 step flow.
That's nuts. That's nuts. Kyle, off the top of your head, do you have another one?
Okay, and why because there hasn't been a video here in a while because we have sat here and made all These videos we have dozens and dozens of videos coming out That we have made that will help people get started and it's a back and forth conversation A lot of them are between kyle and I just understanding every feature the what the why You How it is we will be launching a community as well.
Um here shortly kyle. That's correct. Yeah, correct Okay, are there any more edge cases again? it's like it's like if google makes a change we have to adhere to that if google's Gemini makes makes a change. We have to figure that out, right? So like a lot of things are reported as bugs But like we have to investigate what that means to that person And if we don't hear from everyone or at least a handful of people with a similar issue It's not very easy to track down and every, but we have over, we have over 4, 000 paying customers.
They've all invited three or four people. We have like, well, like inching up on like 13, 14, 000 people.
The fact that we don't have more people saying things is funny. Right? One thing, keep in mind, the people you invite. It's difficult to support so like the freemium users the free people like getting email support will probably put an end to that very soon um But because we can't hear from a bunch of people who haven't paid we don't mind like we love the app sumo links themselves We just imagine being having to support someone's 18 people that they just invited.
We'll figure that out That won't be The same going forward, um, you get unlimited invites. That's terrific power to you. That's the tool Supporting people that that is why we're going to do the community They'll get everyone will get community support any other edge cases that you think like someone like oh, by the way We've added a board, uh, a public view board because this was requested.
Um, look at YouTube tutorials. Okay, so we have all of these things. So like an app requests, right? So we added app requests by request. So you can if you have apps that you want to request and as you upload them. Um, we'll go in and do that, but we have, we've been crushing bugs, let us know things that aren't working.
We've pushed an update and we have another video coming in the next couple of days with a big, big, big update to our tool on a feature that we promised every app Sumo ling would be here in Q1. And Kyle, we're going to make that Q1, right? Again,
we're trying to boil the ocean and we just need you to help. So a lot of things that might be bugs, like if you see a 404 error or something, let us know, we'll fix it. Like that's a real bug. Like, this doesn't work. What's in, Kyle, there's, there is another one that you mentioned to me that was insane. I want to say it was just people whose default browser was in French.
Oh, no, no, yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's what it was. Someone reported that their automations disappeared. Yeah, that's what it was. Someone reported that their automations disappeared. Okay. So here's what's funny. This is a perfect thing of what we're doing. Someone reported that their automations disappeared and we were like, Oh, shoot.
This is an insane thing, right? This is a huge catastrophic bug. Okay. But we didn't, what was it, Kyle? We didn't sub Google. Like whatever language he was speaking, we didn't support. Like Firebase, Firebase, the database we're using the latest version doesn't support querying in that language for whatever reason.
Right. So like it just did. So not even us, the database, one of the databases we used didn't support whatever it was Japan. I think it was Japanese characters. Like, think about that as like a growth pain. So like, and again, we had to revert to the old version, was it? Of the database? Yeah, we had to downgrade a bunch of stuff again.
So we did that. So like, think about this, we have to not only Adhere to everything we do in America, but everywhere else in it and so many other languages and it's like gosh darn it It doesn't support Taiwanese, I don't know if that's one but like all you have to do is let us know Squeaky wheel gets the grease Be patient.
We will get to it. But when you're building something that's boiling the and I like supporting every single person and hearing and hearing the the The yelling at actually I like it, which is why we're going to do some community stuff. We've got some things cooking Um, we're here chime in chime in with problems Okay, chime in with problems.
We'll we'll get it going. We've been crushing everything. Um, we'll probably be forced to launch on AppSumo again during last call. Um, not forced, but like, um, so we'll probably give a benefit to everyone else that's been here as well. So keep an eye on that. Um, Give some, give some AI credits or something that we're not going to give to everyone else.
So let us know maybe some, maybe some cloud hours if you haven't bought cloud yet, or maybe some extra hours for everyone else. Well, we already gave extra hours for everyone else. We'll give you something. Uh, anyway, yell at us, say hi, whatever it is, say Kyle. Oh my God, it's 10, 17 PM. Jeremy ran to the office because we don't want to leave you hanging.
Look at all these videos we have here. We're here for you. Uh, thank you. Let us know in the comments. Kyle, do you have anything else to add? Okay, thank you for helping us boil the ocean. I know you shouldn't do that, but I like building something big, and if we do, it pays off for everyone. Right now, there are hiccups for everyone, uh, most people.
And again, chime in if things are working, please, but also yell at us if things are not. We will get to them because we love you. All right, cool. Kyle. You're off the hook. All right Thanks for jumping on man Yep. See you later. All right, bye. He's so upset. He's so upset. He is so upset that I called him at this time and he woke up and I'm like, we're getting shit on YouTube.
Anyway, thank you so much, uh, from me to you. Um, I really do love that you guys exist. So thank you so much for allowing me to do my dreams. We will continue to kill ourselves for you. Yell at us, say hi, whatever it is. Some cool things coming on the coming on coming on. All right. Take care.