LinkedIn cookies aren’t lasting that long. What are the best practices for saving cookies for LinkedIn
LinkedIn cookies aren’t lasting that long. What are the best practices for saving cookies for LinkedIn
Are Your LinkedIn Cookies Failing You? Chrome Profiles Might Be the Solution
In the realm of automation, encountering issues with cookies leading to frequent logouts or inefficiencies in certain use cases is a common frustration. If you've been grappling with cookie-related woes, it may be time to consider an alternative approach that could revolutionize your automation game - Chrome profiles.
Understanding the Cookie Conundrum
The speaker delves into the challenges faced when relying on cookies for automation tasks, emphasizing the importance of seamless functionality and consistent login sessions. If your cookies seem to be letting you down, it's time to explore a new avenue.
The Chrome Profile Paradigm
Step by step, the speaker guides us through the process of creating a Chrome profile as a viable alternative to the traditional cookie method. By manually logging in and establishing valid sessions on various websites, users can sidestep the cookie dilemma and streamline their automation processes.
Unpacking the Advantages
Why choose Chrome profiles over cookies? The speaker unravels the reasons behind websites' reluctance to accept cookies, shedding light on security measures and fraud detection mechanisms. Discover how Chrome profiles offer a more robust solution, ensuring smoother operations and sustained login sessions.
Embracing Change for Long-Term Gains
In a world where automation is key, adapting to newer technologies becomes imperative. While cookies serve their purpose, Chrome profiles emerge as the superior choice for maintaining login sessions efficiently and effectively. Whether it's a quick Instagram login or a comprehensive scraping task, Chrome profiles are the way forward.
Final Verdict: Chrome Profiles for the Win
When cookies fail to meet your automation needs, Chrome profiles step in as the ultimate savior. Say goodbye to cookie woes and embrace a future where Chrome profiles reign supreme in the realm of automated tasks.
Step 1- Click on New Chrome Profile- Click on Copy your cookies than click this button- Click Create

Step 2-Click on Launch Icon

Step 3- Open facebook in browser and login manually

Step 4-After login to facebook -Click on the close window

Step 5-Click on web-Click on Use a shared chrome profile-Select test -Click start recording

If you're having problems with your automation using cookies where you're frequently being logged out or they're not working in some use case, whatever the situation is for cookies not working for you, you may want to look at Chrome profiles as an alternative. Chrome profiles work a little bit differently compared to us injecting the cookies every time we start it.
You're able to create a Chrome profile just like Chrome does by default so that you can manually log in here and create valid login sessions in any of the websites you would have normally added cookies to. So I can create a new Chrome profile and name this, Um, just test for now. And then I could add cookies if I wanted to.
So if there's websites that cookies works great for, we can add those cookies now instead of needing to log in, or we can just make this blank and log into them all manually. I'll create this Chrome profile and then I'll click on the launch icon so that I can log in to any of those accounts. This is going to create that Chrome profile again, using that profile that we just created.
It won't be named the same, but this is the profile that we just made. Now, what I can do is I can go to something like facebook. com and I can log in here. And after I log in, I can click close window. And that's the same as me basically adding cookies to an automation. Now, whenever I go to start an automation, I can click on web and I can click this checkbox so that I can select from one of my Chrome profiles.
which is very similar to pasting cookies, um, but is a better alternative if a website is not allowing you to use cookies. The reason some websites don't allow you to use cookies is that they're, it's more of like a fraud detection in the cookies where they're finding that it was created from a different Chrome instance.
Hence Chrome versus the Chromium profile that you're using for our automations. So they're kicking you out of that account, kind of as security, kind of as bot detection, whatever they're deeming it as, um, using a Chrome profile is an alternative way where that isn't as easy of a decision for that website to make in short.
Using Chrome profiles is the best alternative. If cookies is not working for you, cookies is a great way to start things. And it's also very good. If the automation is just going to be something that you're quickly trying to do, like log into Instagram and scrape something quickly, uh, where Chrome profiles are starting to look like the better long term way to maintain those login sessions.
So if cookies are not working for you, highly suggest checking out Chrome profiles.