Is it normal that it takes at least 10 sec to complete a single step (scrape a list)? It seems that each step is now slowed down for completion. It used to be so much faster last time. Is there anything we can do to make it faster?
Is it normal that it takes at least 10 sec to complete a single step (scrape a list)? It seems that each step is now slowed down for completion. It used to be so much faster last time. Is there anything we can do to make it faster?
Optimizing Task Performance: Adjusting Speed for Efficient Automation
In the world of automation and task management, it's not uncommon to encounter situations where a single step takes longer than expected to complete. Whether it's waiting for an element to appear on a page or interacting with specific components, the need for optimizing task speed becomes essential.
Adjusting Task Magic Speed
When faced with tasks that seem to linger for too long, the solution lies in tweaking the speed settings of the automation tool. By adjusting how quickly steps are executed, you can enhance efficiency and streamline the workflow.
Setting Time Limits
One effective method to expedite task completion is by setting a maximum wait time for elements to be found on a page. By configuring the tool to limit the search timeframe, you can ensure a prompt response without unnecessary delays.
Fine-Tuning Speed Settings
To customize the speed of each step, navigate to the advanced settings of Task Magic. By specifying the milliseconds required to locate elements, you can tailor the performance to suit the specific requirements of your tasks.
Considerations for Wait Time
The optimal wait time for each step may vary depending on its position in the sequence of actions. For instance, steps following a page transition may require a longer wait time to accommodate the loading of new content.
Enhancing Automation Efficiency
By fine-tuning the speed settings and adjusting wait times strategically, you can enhance the overall efficiency of your automation processes. This approach not only saves time but also ensures a seamless workflow without unnecessary delays.
In conclusion, the ability to adjust the speed of task execution plays a crucial role in optimizing automation processes. By fine-tuning the settings and setting time limits, you can achieve a more efficient and productive workflow with Task Magic.
Step 1-Click on three dots next to the step - Then click on Advanced Setting

Step 2- We can add miliseconds count as per requirement on each step

So some steps may take longer than you want to complete. Maybe we waited a little bit longer to actually try to find the element or interact with it. Uh, there's a couple of different reasons why you may want task magic to move a little bit faster in some scenario. So to do that, if I wanted to adjust the speed of how quick these steps are going to run, I can adjust how long task magic waits for the elements to complete.
to appear on the page. So what we can do there is we click the three dots next to the step we're editing, and then we click advanced settings and we'll see milliseconds. We will wait for finding the element. What this is telling us is that we will set a max time that we're willing to wait. That way we force this to happen a little bit faster.
We can enter this to be something a little bit more standard, like 2000 That way, as soon as the page loads or this step runs, we are allowing it only that amount of time to, uh, to look for the element. This number that we have right here can change depending on the other steps that we have. For example, if this is the first step that runs after we change pages, it may have a longer wait time than other steps because it is the one that was responsible for loading a bunch of new content.
Where these other scrape steps are loading or scraping content that should already be on the page from previous steps.