I requested a feature on your roadmap. How do you focus on what to work on? When will what I requested be addressed?
I requested a feature on your roadmap. How do you focus on what to work on? When will what I requested be addressed?
How Task Magic Prioritizes Feature Requests: A Look into the Roadmap Process
Understanding the Roadmap Process:
When users request a feature on our public roadmap at request.taskmagic.com, they engage with our development process. The number of upvotes a feature receives plays a crucial role in determining our focus. For instance, if a feature like "Create Step Blocks" garners significant votes, we prioritize planning and implementing it based on its popularity among our users.
Balancing Act: Bug Fixes vs. Feature Requests:
While bug fixes are essential, we prioritize feature requests that are paramount and critical to the Task Magic platform. Our small team ensures that we address issues that have a widespread impact and are in high demand among our user base.
Transparency and Progress Tracking:
Our transparent approach allows users to track the progress of feature requests as they move through our development pipeline. By visiting the Task Magic platform, users can see the status of different features, from planning to implementation stages.
Community Engagement and User Feedback:
With over 14,000 active users, community engagement is vital in shaping our roadmap. User upvotes and feedback help us understand the priority of features and allocate our resources effectively.
Every Voice Matters:
Even if a feature request has a lower number of upvotes, we value every user's input. While we may prioritize highly requested features, we consider all suggestions and strive to improve the Task Magic platform based on user feedback.
In conclusion, the Task Magic team values user feedback and actively involves the community in shaping the future of our platform. By prioritizing feature requests based on user engagement and impact, we aim to enhance the user experience and create a product that meets the evolving needs of our users.
Step 1- write request.taskmagic.com and open to get options- Click on Create step blocks

Step 2- We can see the no of voters there

Step 2- When we click on Share workflows we see the voters

Hey, everybody. Hey, everybody. Jeremy run from task magic. So I wanted to address this one question. Um, we get often that I requested a feature on your roadmap. How do you focus? I'm going to, I'm going to read it directly. Cause I'm not going to run out of this. I requested a feature on your roadmap. How do you focus on what to work on?
When will what I requested be addressed? Okay, so, what this person is talking about, if I can share my screen here, is, we have our roadmap public. And you can find that on request. taskmagic. com And then you can see, and we've highlighted this before, you can see all of these things like create step blocks.
Okay. So you see that like 47 people have voted for this, right? So this is something that we will really start to focus on and we're starting to plan it. Right. So it's really based on how many upvotes you can get, like, because we have a small team and we don't, we don't want to make a feature or fix a bug.
Well, we want to fix all bugs, right? But if we have 14, 000 people and only one person is experiencing an issue. While we'd like to get to that, it's like, it's such an edge case. It's one out of 14, 000. Um, but we still do do our best to investigate every single bug. Um, even if it's one person out of 14, 000.
So, but for feature requests, all you do is go to request. taskmagic. com. If you're a customer and request a feature. Now, the ones we focus on are the ones that are Paramount and very critical to, or mission critical to our platform, to the task magic platform. And if you can get 40, if other people want it, right, that's exactly how we make them.
Um, and then it just becomes how many votes it gets and then what time we have. So it might have 89 votes, but it's. 89 votes and we already started working on the one that had 63 upvotes. Um, but you can see them progress in the pipeline. So if you come to the task, you can see that they're progressing. So if you look at here, and right now there's a bug with the upvotes.
up photo here. Um, ability to run from caught all of these here. Like we worked on, this is just insane.
So we, wow, that just keeps going. So, okay. All right. So like we will look at these and then if you just want to click on them, share workflows. Cool. 95 voters, right? That's something that's paramount. Um, so we'll kind of move that over and it's in the plan stage right now. We work on them just as we get them one, as we get them and then other people will vote on them.
So we have some 14, 000 users, 14, 15, 000 users. Um, and you can go in there and upvote. Right. So if your feature request gets zero upvotes and you're the only one who wants it, or it has only 10, but we have three features that have over 90 or 80. Those ones get worked on. I'm not saying that we won't do something that only has three upvotes.
Eventually, but it's all, if it's only important to three people. And that, I mean, that's not significant enough to like take development resources, um, but we do consider every single feature here. So let us know.