How Does Cloud Runtime Work/Get Tracked?
How Does Cloud Runtime Work/Get Tracked?
Understanding Cloud Runtime: A Guide to Tracking Automation
In the realm of cloud computing and automation, keeping track of your cloud runtime is essential for managing resources efficiently. Let's delve into how cloud runtime works and how it is tracked to optimize your automation processes.
The Basics of Cloud Runtime Tracking
When you engage in automation tasks in the cloud, each action consumes a certain amount of runtime. This runtime is deducted from your allocated cloud resources, impacting your monthly usage. It is crucial to monitor your cloud runtime to ensure you stay within your resource limits and avoid unexpected charges.
Tracking Cloud Automation Tasks
Cloud automation tasks are denoted by a cloud icon, indicating that they are running from the cloud environment. When these tasks are executed, a specific amount of runtime is deducted from your monthly allocation. This deduction is based on the seconds consumed by the automation process.
Adding Apps to Your Automation
Integrating apps into your automation workflows introduces a different tracking mechanism. Unlike browser recordings, app actions are counted differently. Every 3,000 app actions equate to one hour of recording time. This distinction allows for a varied approach to tracking different types of automation tasks.
The Flexibility of Runtime Tracking
One of the advantages of cloud runtime tracking is its flexibility. You can mix and match browser automations with app actions, allowing for a personalized approach to your automation needs. Whether you run 30 minutes of browser automation or 1,500 app tasks, the system calculates the usage seamlessly.
Fair Pricing and Transparency
In tracking cloud runtime, fairness and transparency play a significant role. It's important to note that apps and browser recordings are distinct entities with separate tracking methodologies. Charging based on seconds for both types of tasks wouldn't align with the usage patterns. By accurately tracking and categorizing tasks, users benefit from a more equitable pricing model.
Understanding how cloud runtime works and how it is tracked is fundamental to optimizing your automation processes in the cloud. By monitoring your cloud runtime usage effectively, you can streamline your workflows, manage resources efficiently, and make informed decisions about your automation strategies.
Have any questions about cloud runtime tracking or automation? Feel free to reach out for more insights and guidance.
Step 1- Go to Task history to see the Sucess time

Step 2-Click on Trigger

Step 3-
So we can view our task history to see how many seconds and automation ran for this is what will be deducted from our cloud runtime. If it was a cloud automation. So I have this one here, which Oh, no, I thought this was a cloud automation. I guess I didn't. Anyways, it'll show a cloud icon. If this automation was running from cloud from you.
For you, then if it was from cloud, it'll deduct this amount of seconds from your monthly amount of hours that you have. The only thing that you'll want to see, uh, besides this is whenever you add an app to your automation. So if I click plus and then I add an app, these are tracked differently. Because they, um, they, long story short, they don't cost the same as browser recording does.
So the way that these are counted is every 3, 000 app actions counts as one hour of recording time. So you can have 3, 000 app actions run or you can have one hour of browser automation. And this also mixes. So you can do 30 minutes and 1, 500 tasks and you don't need to specify. We just calculate it for you.
Uh, we just can't. We can't charge the same for apps as we can for browser recording because they're two completely separate things and tracking by seconds just wouldn't be fair to you guys. Um, but anyways, that's how that works. Uh, let me know if you have any other questions with how a runtime is tracked or anything like that.