The recorder didn’t pick up the element I was trying to select. How to find selectors if the recorder does not automatically pick up the element you’re trying to capture
How to Find Selectors if the Recorder Does Not Automatically Pick Up the Element
Mastering Manual Selector Adjustment: A Guide to Enhancing Test Automation Efficiency
In the world of test automation, one of the common challenges faced by testers is dealing with selectors that the recorder may not automatically pick up. This situation often arises when trying to interact with dynamic web elements or navigating through complex page structures. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of manual selector adjustment and how it can enhance the efficiency of your test automation scripts.
Understanding the Selector Challenge
The script illustrates a scenario where a selector generated by the automation tool was clicking the wrong element on the web page. The speaker elaborates on the importance of accurately selecting the desired element, especially in cases where the page structure changes dynamically. By providing a clear example, the script emphasizes the need for manual intervention to adjust selectors for precise interaction.
Leveraging Chat GPT for Selector Editing
To address the selector challenge, the speaker turns to Chat GPT for assistance in editing the XPath. Chat GPT proves to be a valuable tool in refining selectors by adjusting them to target specific elements on the page. This hands-on approach to selector editing not only resolves the issue at hand but also equips testers with the skills to handle similar scenarios in the future.
Enhancing Selector Precision with Last Child Selector
A key takeaway from the script is the importance of using the last child selector instead of relying on positional indices in the list. By instructing Chat GPT to adjust the selector based on the last element, the speaker ensures that the automation script clicks on the intended element, avoiding discrepancies in selecting elements across different pages.
Testing and Iterating for Optimal Selector Performance
The script emphasizes the iterative nature of selector adjustment, highlighting the process of testing different selectors to find the most reliable one. By experimenting with alternative XPath and CSS paths, testers can fine-tune their selectors for optimal performance, ensuring robust automation scripts that adapt to changing web page structures.
In conclusion, mastering the art of manual selector adjustment is a crucial skill for testers striving to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of their test automation scripts. By understanding the nuances of selector editing, leveraging tools like Chat GPT, and iterating on selector choices, testers can overcome selector challenges and create resilient automation tests that withstand dynamic web environments.
Step 1- Click on three dots- Click on Update Selectors
Step 2-Click on Continue anyway
Step 3-Update teh Selectors or CSS selectors - Click on Save
Step 4- Click on the arrow Icon and Copy the selectors
Step 5- We can also copy the selectors from this option
So the situation here is that when we are trying to click the next page in this list, there was a selector that was generated here, which I'll continue past this, um, which was this one. And this is telling it to click the seventh child, really eighth in this list. So what it meant is it would, it would move through this list and then select based on that.
The reason that was a problem is because when we're on page one, it shows these three dots in between. But only when we get to page three does this expand to be a little bit wider. Which is why once we got to page three, we clicked the sixth button instead of the next page button. So to do this, Um, I had chat GPT edit the X path for me.
I provided it this one as an example, and then I told it instead of clicking, um, the element in the list, we wanted to make sure we clicked the last one. And again, this is a more complex thing when it comes to editing selectors. It's a little bit easier when you know how to build the selectors, but chat GPT is also something that helps you test these a little bit.
Anyways, I told it that I wanted to adjust this to use last child instead of a position in the list. So what I did is I generated this selector and then I replaced it above. Um, this wasn't there before. I just had edited this again, was remaking this video to show you what the issue is here. So what this is doing now is it's going to click based on the last one in the list instead of the seventh, which is what task magic had generated, which is clicking next page instead of clicking on six.
So again, a not ideal scenario having to adjust the custom selectors, but if we needed to, and we got our custom selector, all we need to do is click the three dots and then update selectors. This is the tutorial for that. And then we can paste that here. The way that these work is it provides other options for Task Manager to try finding the element.
You can provide the same XPath or CSSPath if you're sure about it, which is what I did here. Or you can add others to give it a better chance of finding it in that situation. So let's say that you couldn't generate this selector perfectly, and you didn't know how to make the last child selector. What you could have done is you could go here and copy this selector.
For this situation,
we could copy this selector by clicking right click and then copy XPath or copy selector. And we can add this as an alternative option. Um, and then we would just want to play with this to kind of figure out the hierarchy in the list of if this one should be above the other one. And that's kind of the testing process that we can go through.
Um, whenever we launched the guided window, the guided window is going to test the XPath and CSS paths the same way. And in the order that the runner would as well.