How To Update The Desktop App - Hard Close The Desktop Application To Trigger An update - Mac Users

A Step-by-Step Guide to Updating the Task Magic Desktop App (For Mac Users)

Welcome! If you are needing to update the desktop and the check for updates is not working for you or you don’t have the latest version that includes that feature. No worries, there is another way to update the desktop. This article is a step-by-step guide on how to hard close the application and re-open the app. This method will trigger an update if an update is available.

If you have already tried to hard close and re-open for an update, but an update notification is not popping up. Then you likely are on too old of a version. In this scenario- delete the application from your computer and download the latest version available from; then, use the check for an update feature or use this method.

What Is The Difference Between Closing The App and Hard Closing?


When it comes to closing a desktop application, there are two primary methods: clicking the close button or opting for a hard close. While both methods achieve the same end result, there are significant differences in their impact and implications.


It is important to know that when clicking the x in the top left of the app. This may still result in the application running in the background—an example of what we mean below.

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Our developers will often release updates to improve performance for our application. By hard closing the application, users terminate the software completely. This, in turn, allows the update process to commence unimpeded when the application is relaunched. On the contrary, clicking the close button may not result in an immediate closure; some applications may run in the background or be suspended, delaying the update process until the next launch.


Hard Closing The Application


Start with locating the Task Magic application icon in your dock. Shown in the picture below.

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Next, right click on the Task Magic Icon and click quit. Highlight in the picture below.

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To open the app again, click your finder icon or your the launchpad to search for the app - then click to open. Shown in the picture below.

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Where To Check That It Has Updated


To check that it updated. Login into the desktop app, and click the profile icon in the top right corner of the application. Highlighted in the picture below.

Notion image

The current version is listed at the bottom center of the the screen. Highlighted in the picture below.

Notion image
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