Scheduling Every Hour Trigger

A detailed explanation of what to expect when scheduling an automation to trigger Every Hour or Hourly.

You’ve just built your automation and choose to schedule it to trigger Every Hour By selecting either Hour or Every other hour, you can customize your time constraints to run between certain hours of each day. Here is what to expect.

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Please Note: This will not explain how to source usernames from multiple Instagram pages. The How To Source Instagram Usernames article is a step-by-step guide on sourcing more usernames after this automation has been added to your account.

💡It’s important to note that regardless of the time constraints set. Your automation will always trigger to run at the Top of the hour.

For example, if you set your time constraints for an automation to run from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. Highlighted in the picture below.

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☝️This automation will trigger it’s first run at 9 am and the last run will trigger at 4 pm.

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